• Day 3 : Spoken production

    • Welcome to day 3 ! Today, you are going to take the mic... and raise your voice ! To begin with, watch the Nike commercial about women in sports : what does that mean to you ? Write down your impressions on a pad using the Wiki activity. 
      Then, give your point of view about gender inequality in sports in a 3-minutes audio recording. 

      • Part 1 : Watch the commercial video and write down your impressions.
        • What do you think ? 
        • What is the main purpose of this ad ? 
      • Part  2 : Give your point of view about gender inequality in sports by using the Audio recorder activity. 

      Drop the mic ! clin d’œil

    • __________________________________________________________________

      Part one

    • Click on the link below to watch the video, then take some notes (it will help you for the part 2).

    • __________________________________________________________________

      Part two

    • Produce a 3-minutes audio recording about gender inequalities in sports.