• Day 1 : Listening reception

    • Welcome to your first day of revisions! Today, we're going to focus on our listening skills. The work is going to be divided on two parts :

      • Part 1: Watch a video and take the following quiz.
      • Part 2: Listen to the audio and record yourself doing the exercise. Upload your video on the "Drop your video"  activity. 

      Have fun 😉

    • __________________________________________________________________

      Part one

    • Click on the picture to watch the video below, then take the quiz.

      Cliquez sur l'image ci-dessous pour visionner la vidéo, puis faites le quiz.

    • __________________________________________________________________

      Part two

    • Listen to the following recording twice then, film yourself doing the exercise.

    • Drop your video Drop your video
      Ouvert le : Thursday 16 June 2022, 00:00
      À remettre : Thursday 23 June 2022, 00:00
    • Watch the correction Watch the correction